AN.ON Developer PagesPrecompiled Binaries of JAP, Mix, and InfoServiceJAPDaily generated version of JAP: JAP.jar
Attention! This is a daily snapshot of the JAP CVS. It is generated by a script and due to the nature of automated building we cannot guarantee that a working version of JAP is available here all the time. Sometimes due to an error during the compilation, no JAR file is generated at all. Furthermore, sometimes the snapshot version of JAP does not work correctly due to inconsistencies or runtime errors. Launcher for JAP on MS Windows: jap.exe
Installation program for JAP on MS Windows: japsetup.exe
DLL for JAP on MS Windows: japdll.dll
MixDaily generated version of the Mix: mix.tgz
Attention! This is a daily snapshot from the Mix CVS. It is generated by a script and due to the nature of automated building we can not guarantee that a working version of the Mix is available here all the time. Sometimes due to an error during the compilation, no Mix file is generated at all. Furthermore, sometimes the snapshot version of the Mix does not work correctly due to inconsistencies or runtime errors. InfoService
Daily generated version of InfoService: InfoService.jar
MixConfig Tool
Daily generated version of MixConfig Tool: MixConfig.jar