This is an abstract class for representing a socket address used in CASocket, CADatagramSocket and CA...
CASocket(bool bIsReserved=false)
virtual SINT32 receive(UINT8 *buff, UINT32 len)
Will receive some bytes from the socket.
static CAMutex * m_pcsClose
virtual SINT32 getPeerPort()
virtual SINT32 listen(const CASocketAddr &psa)
Starts listening on address psa.
virtual SINT32 send(const UINT8 *buff, UINT32 len)
Sends some data over the network.
virtual SINT32 getNonBlocking(bool *b)
virtual SINT32 setKeepAlive(bool b)
Enables/disables the socket keep-alive option.
static UINT32 m_u32MaxNormalSockets
virtual SINT32 getSendTimeOut()
virtual SINT32 setSendTimeOut(UINT32 msTimeOut)
virtual SINT32 setRecvBuff(UINT32 r)
SOCKET getSocket()
Returns the number of the Socket used.
virtual SINT32 receiveFullyT(UINT8 *buff, UINT32 len, UINT32 msTimeOut)
Trys to receive all bytes.
virtual SINT32 getSendBuff()
static SINT32 setMaxNormalSockets(UINT32 u)
Sets the max number of allowed "normal" sockets.
static SINT32 getMaxOpenSockets()
Tries to find out how many socket we can open by open as many socket as possible witthout errors.
virtual SINT32 getPeerIP(UINT8 ip[4])
volatile bool m_bSocketIsClosed
CASingleSocketGroup * m_pSingleSocketGroupRead
virtual SINT32 receiveLine(UINT8 *line, UINT32 maxLen, UINT32 msTimeOut)
virtual SINT32 peek(UINT8 *buff, UINT32 len)
Will peek some bytes from the socket read queue.
virtual SINT32 sendTimeOut(const UINT8 *buff, UINT32 len, UINT32 msTimeOut)
Sends some data over the network.
virtual SINT32 setNonBlocking(bool b)
virtual SINT32 setReuseAddr(bool b)
virtual SINT32 sendFully(const UINT8 *buff, UINT32 len)
Sends all data over the network.
virtual SINT32 setSendBuff(SINT32 r)
Returns < 0 on error, otherwise the new sendbuffersize (which may be less than r)
virtual SINT32 accept(CASocket &s)
Accepts a new connection.
virtual SINT32 getRecvBuff()
virtual SINT32 sendFullyTimeOut(const UINT8 *buff, UINT32 len, UINT32 msTimeOut, UINT32 msTimeOutSingleSend)
Sends all data over the network.
virtual SINT32 setSocket(SOCKET s)
virtual SINT32 getLocalIP(UINT8 r_Ip[4])
LERNGRUPPE Returns the source address of the socket.
static UINT32 countOpenSockets()
virtual SINT32 connect(const CASocketAddr &psa)
virtual SINT32 getLocalPort()
static volatile UINT32 m_u32NormalSocketsOpen
The following two variables are use to realise "reserved" sockets.