Mixe for Privacy and Anonymity in the Internet
►Nspsc_sema | |
C__queue_test | |
C__SINT64__t_ | |
C__t__data_retention_log_file_header | |
C__t_certstore_list | |
C__t_database_info | |
C__t_hash_key_entry__ | |
C__t_replay_database_entry | |
C__t_replay_database_heap | |
C__t_signature | |
C__UINT64__t_ | |
C_iplist_t | This structure is used for building the IP-List |
C_t_database_entry | |
C_t_database_info | |
C_t_queue | |
C_tempipblocklist_t | |
CAccountLoginHashEntry | |
CBlockingReaderWriterQueue | |
CCAAbstractControlChannel | The base of each control channel |
CCAAbstractXMLEncodable | Abstract base class for classes which can be converted to an XML structure |
CCAAbstractXMLSignable | An abstract base class for signable XML structures |
CCAAccountingBIInterface | This class encapsulates the connection to the JPI |
CCAAccountingControlChannel | Implementation of a per-user control-channel for the AccountingInstance |
CCAAccountingDBInterface | |
►CCAAccountingInstance | This is the AI (accounting instance or abrechnungsinstanz in german) class |
CCAAccountingSettleThread | A thread that settles CCs with the BI |
CCAASymCipher | |
CCABase64 | |
CCACacheLoadBalancing | This class stores Addresses off different Cache-Proxies |
CCACertificate | |
CCACertStore | |
CCAChain | |
CCAChainTable | |
CCAClientSocket | |
CCACmdLnOptions | |
CCAConditionVariable | |
CCAControlChannelDispatcher | This class "dispatches" messages which it receives via proccessMixPacket() to the associated control channel |
CCACryptoBenchmark | |
CCADatabase | |
CCADatagramSocket | |
CCADataRetentionLog | |
CCADataRetentionLogFile | |
CCAFileSystemDirectory | |
CCAFirstMix | |
CCAFirstMixA | |
CCAFirstMixB | |
CCAFirstMixChannelList | Data structure that stores all information about the currently open Mix channels |
CCAFirstMixChannelToQueueList | |
CCAHttpClient | Very simple http client |
►CCAInfoService | |
CCAIPAddrWithNetmask | |
CCAIPList | The purpose of this class is to store a list of IP-Addresses |
CCALastMix | |
CCALastMixA | |
CCALastMixB | |
CCALastMixBChannelList | |
CCALastMixChannelList | |
CCALibProxytest | |
CCAListenerInterface | |
CCALocalProxy | |
CCALockAble | From this class other classes could be derived, which need some kind from "locking" in memory |
CCAMiddleMix | |
CCAMiddleMixChannelList | Data structure that stores all information about the currently open Mix channels |
CCAMix | |
CCAMixWithReplayDB | This class (interface) adds the functionality used by last and middle mixes to detecte replays |
CCAMsg | |
CCAMultiSignature | |
CCAMutex | |
CCAMuxSocket | |
CCAPool | This class implements the pool strategie of a Mix |
CCAQueue | This is a simple FIFO-Queue |
CCAReadWriteLock | |
CCAReplayControlChannel | A Control channel for the exchange of the current replay detection timestamps |
CCAReplayCtrlChannelMsgProc | |
CCAReplayDatabase | |
CCASignature | |
CCASingleSocketGroup | Not thread safe! |
CCASocket | |
CCASocketAddr | This is an abstract class for representing a socket address used in CASocket, CADatagramSocket and CAMuxSocket |
CCASocketAddrINet | This class represents a socket address for Internet (IP) connections |
CCASocketAddrUnix | This is a class for Unix Domain Protocol Sockat Addresses |
CCASocketGroup | |
CCASocketGroupEpoll | |
CCASocketList | |
CCASymChannelCipher | |
CCASymChannelCipherFactory | |
CCASymCipher | This class could be used for encryption/decryption of data (streams) with AES using 128bit CBC mode |
CCASymCipherCTR | This class could be used for encryption/decryption of data (streams) with AES using 128bit CTR mode |
CCASymCipherGCM | This class could be used for encryption/decryption of data (streams) with AES using 128bit GCM mode |
CCASymCipherNull | This class implemtns the symmetric channel cipher interface - but does not do eny encryption! |
CCASymCipherOFB | This class could be used for encryption/decryption of data (streams) with AES using 128bit OFB mode |
CCASyncControlChannel | A synchronous control channel |
CCATargetInterface | |
CCATempIPBlockList | The purpose of this class is storing the IPs of JAP users who tried to hack/attack the payment system |
CCAThread | |
CCAThreadList | |
CCAThreadPool | This class bla bla |
CCATLSClientSocket | |
CCAXMLErrorMessage | This class encapsulates an error or success message |
Cconnlist | |
CDOM_Output | |
CEntry | |
Cevent | |
CexecEntry | |
CMemFormatTarget | |
CoptionStackEntry | |
Cpbm_set | |
CpoptAlias | |
CpoptContext_s | |
CpoptOption | |
►CReaderWriterQueue | |
CSettleEntry | |
Cstate | |
Ct_accountinginfo | Structure that holds all per-user payment information Included in CAFirstMixChannelList (struct fmHashTableEntry) |
Ct_aiSettleItem | |
Ct_benchmarkParams | |
Ct_benchmarkTimerParams | |
Ct_cachelb_list | |
Ct_chaintableEntry | |
Ct_chaintableIterator | |
Ct_channelEntry | |
Ct_deadlineEntry | |
Ct_downstream_chain_cell | |
Ct_first_downstream_chain_cell | |
Ct_first_upstream_chain_cell | |
Ct_firstmixchannellist | |
Ct_FirstMixChannelToQueueList_entry | |
Ct_fmhashtableentry | |
Ct_lastMixBChannelListEntry | |
Ct_lastmixchannellist | |
►Ct_middlemixchannellist | |
Ct_mix_parameters | |
Ct_MixPacket | |
Ct_MixPacketPayload | |
Ct_paymentInstanceListNode | This structure holds information about known Payment Instances |
Ct_pool_list | |
Ct_queue_entry | |
Ct_replay_timestamp | Replaytimestamp type |
Ct_sequel_downstream_chain_cell | |
Ct_sequel_upstream_chain_cell | |
Ct_socketGroupEntry | |
Ct_upstream_chain_cell | |
CT_UserLoginData | |
CtermsAndConditionMixAnswer_t | |
CTermsAndConditions | |
CtermsAndConditionsTranslation_t | |
Cthread_list_entry | |
Ctpool_work | |
CtUINT32withLock | |
Cweak_atomic |