42 UINT8* currentCascade)
52 CAMsg::printMsg(LOG_DEBUG,
"Now launching Accounting SettleThread...\n");
102 while(m_pAccountingSettleThread->
m_bRun) {
109 CAMsg::printMsg(LOG_ERR,
"AccountingSettleThread: Settlement transaction failed\n");
115 CAMsg::printMsg(LOG_DEBUG,
"AccountingSettleThread: Exiting run loop!\n");
#define BEGIN_STACK(methodName)
#define FINISH_STACK(methodName)
static SINT32 newSettlementTransaction()
A thread that settles CCs with the BI.
CAConditionVariable * m_pCondition
Hashtable * m_accountingHashtable
CAAccountingSettleThread(Hashtable *a_accountingHashtable, UINT8 *currentCascade)
static THREAD_RETURN mainLoop(void *param)
The main loop.
UINT32 getPaymentSettleInterval()
SINT32 signal()
Signals this object.
SINT32 wait()
Waits for a signal or for a timeout.
static CACmdLnOptions * getOptions()
static SINT32 printMsg(UINT32 typ, const char *format,...)
Writes a given message to the log.
SINT32 start(void *param, bool bDaemon=false, bool bSilent=false)
Starts the execution of the main function of this thread.
SINT32 setMainLoop(THREAD_MAIN_TYP fnc)
Sets the main function which will be executed within this thread.
SINT32 join()
Waits for the main function to finish execution.