Package gui.dialog

Interface Summary
DialogContentPane.IWizardSuitable Content panes that are suitable for use in a wizard should implement this interface.
DialogContentPane.IWizardSuitableNoWizardButtons Classes that are WizardSuitable but do not want to get the wizard buttons should implement this interface.
IDialogOptions Provides constants for creating dialogs and for evaluating user choices in dialogs.
JAPDialog.ILinkedInformation Classes of this type are used to append a clickable and/or selectable message at the end of a dialog message.

Class Summary
CaptchaContentPane This class displays a dialog for solving a captcha.
DialogContentPane This is a replacement for a dialog content pane.
DialogContentPane.CheckError A CheckError is used to set error conditions that prohibit operations.
DialogContentPane.Layout Defines the general layout of a dialog.
DialogContentPaneOptions Defines the buttons that are available in a dialog.
FileChooserContentPane This is a generic content pane that implements the IWizardSuitable interface
FinishedContentPane This content pane could be used as the last content pane in a wizard.
JAPDialog This is the generic implementation for an optionally modal, resizable a dialog.
JAPDialog.AbstractLinkedURLAdapter May be used to show a URL.
JAPDialog.LinkedCheckBox Shows a checkbox with a message on the dialog window.
JAPDialog.LinkedHelpContext This implementation of ILinkedInformation registers a help context in the dialog and displays a help button that opens this context.
JAPDialog.LinkedInformationAdapter This class does nothing but implementing all ILinkedInformation methods.
JAPDialog.LinkedInformationClickListener Activates a LinkedInformation, if it is given as a link.
SimpleWizardContentPane This is a generic content pane that implements the IWizardSuitable interface
TermsAndConditionsPane Shows the terms and conditions as gotten from the JPI.
WorkerContentPane This is a dialog that executes a given Thread or Runnable if it is shown on screen.