
Class Summary
TransactionData A utility data class that holds - just a concept at the moment
XMLAccountCertificate This class contains the functionality for creating and parsing XML account certificates.
XMLAccountInfo This class represents an XML AccountInfo structure (XMLBalance plus cost confirmations for the account) The following XML structure is used:
XMLAuthenticationSuccess Deprecated. use XMLErrorMessage instead with code ERR_OK
XMLBalance This class holds a balance certificate.
XMLBankAccount XML Structure for the bank account information for a Mix Operator (e.g.
XMLEasyCC XML structure for a easy cost confirmation (without mircopayment function) which is sent to the AI by the Jap
XMLEmail simple XML representation of the subject, return Address, sender name (not an email field, just to distinguish the sender from the rest of the body text) and body text Geared towards sending support emails form the Mixconfig tool to the BI (which then sends it on using a local smtp server), currently does not support attachments, and no server data For support messages, use the simplest constructor without receiver and subject, will be set to defaults for sending to jap support senderIdentification can be used to pass along some kind of information that allows the recipient of this object to look up more information on the sender (typically a public certificate), can be null
XMLExternalChargeRequest This class represents an external charge request.
XMLGenericStrings Wraps a Hashtable of Strings in xml Can be used to send simple text over the biconnection, when you have more than one piece of data to send, but don't want to go to the trouble of defining a specialized implementation of IXMLEncodable some string value numbers work too, but are treated as Strings 300
XMLGenericText Wraps a String in an IXMLEncodable Can be used to send simple text over the biconnection Text can be plain text (which will be put into the top-level element) or HTML/XML (whose top-level element will be a child of the top-level element) HTML does not have to be a webpage, i.e.
XMLJapPublicKey This class handles RSA and DSA Public Keys represented in XML.
XMLMixAccountBalance A simple XML structure storing the current balance of a MixOperator (i.e.
XMLMixInfo XML Structure containing information about a single Mix, intended for use in the MixConfig tool to give a MixOperator an overview of his Mixes and finacial status.
XMLPassivePayment This class is used by JAP to send information necessary to process a passive payment to the payment instance.
XMLPaymentOption This class represents a payment option sent by the Payment Instance.
XMLPaymentOptions This class represents a XMLPaymentOptions structure.
XMLPaymentSettings XMl representation of the payment setting (flatrate price, duration etc) simple wrapper around the data of table paymentsettings, cotains a Hashtable whose keys and values correspond to the name and curvalue columns of table paymentsettings
XMLPayRequest Datacontainer: This is used by the AI to signal the Jap that it wants a costconfirmation or a balance certificate signed.
XMLPriceCertificate Contains the functionality for creating and parsing XML Price Certificates can be constructed from an xml Document in String, byte[] or Element representation
XMLPriceCertificateList XML representation of a Vector of XMLPriceCertificates used by the BI to send all price certificates of one MixOperator to the MixConfig tool Note: the "List" in the name has nothing to do with the data structure of the same name, it uses a Vector internally "XMLPriceCertificates" would have been to easy to confuse with XMLPriceCertificate (a single price certificate)
XMLTransactionOverview This class is used by JAP to ask the Payment Instance about used transaction numbers.
XMLTransferRequest XML representation of a transfer request, i.e.
XMLVolumePlan XML representation of the data associated with a particular volume plan, similar to a payment option Example: Small 200 True 2000000 True 1