Package anon.crypto

Interface Summary
ICertificate This interface represents the common methods of cryptographic certificates.
ICrypt Provides methods that implement the Unix crypt command for creation of password hashes.
IMyPrivateKey An interface for a private key for encryption and signing.
IMyPublicKey Represents the public part of an asymmetric cryptographic key pair.
IMySignature This interface represents a signature algorithm.
ISignatureCreationAlgorithm This interface represents an algorithm that creates cryptographic signatures.
ISignatureVerificationAlgorithm This interface represents an algorithm that verifies cryptographic signatures.
IVerifyable Defines an interface for verification and validation.

Class Summary
AbstractPrivateKey This class is an abstract implementation of a private key.
AbstractPublicKey This class is an abstract implementation of a private key.
AbstractX509AlternativeName The SubjectAlternativeName extension represents an alias to distinguished name (DN).
AbstractX509Extension Represents and creates an X509 V3 extensions.
AbstractX509KeyIdentifier The key identifier is calculated using a SHA1 hash over the BIT STRING from SubjectPublicKeyInfo as defined in RFC3280.
AsymmetricCryptoKeyPair A key pair used for signing and encryption with an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm.
ByteSignature This class contains all basic signature operations.
CertificateContainer This class stores additional settings for every certificate stored within a CertificateStore.
CertificateRevocationList This Class implements Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) as specified by RFC 5280.
CertificateRevocationList.CRLGenerator This class is used to generate, sign and modify CRLs.
CertificateStore Implementation remark: The locking order (to avoid deadlocks) in this class is: 1.
CertificationRequest A class for creating and verifying PKCS10 Certification requests.
CertificationRequestInfo This class is used to hold the information that is needed to create a PKCS10 Certification request.
CertPath Stores a certification path with all included certificates.
DESCrypt Java-based implementation of the unix crypt command Based upon C source code written by Eric Young, from
DSAKeyPair This class creates key pairs for the DSA algorithm.
DSAKeyPool This class starts a thread that will create DSA key pairs in the background with a low priority.
JAPCertificate This class represents an X509 certificate.
JAPCertificate.X509CertificateGenerator This class is used to create, duplicate and sign X509 certificates.
MD5Crypt Class containing static methods for encrypting passwords in FreeBSD md5 style.
MultiCertPath This class takes an array of CertPaths that is associated with a signed XML Document.
MyAES This class is a wrapper for doing AES encryption stuff.
MyDSASignature Implements the DSA algorithm for signatures.
MyRSA Encryption/Decryption using RSA
MyRSASignature SHA1withRSA Signature as described in RFC 2437
PKCS10CertificationRequest A class for creating and verifying PKCS10 Certification requests.
PKCS12 This class creates and handles PKCS12 certificates, that include a private key, a public key and an X509 certificate.
PKCS7SignedData This was stolen from BouncyCastle and changed a little bit to get it work without BC provider...
RevokedCertifcateStore This class holds all valid certificate revocations to check if a certificate is revoked.
RevokedCertificate This Class implements a CRLEntry specified by RFC 5280
RSAKeyPair This class creates key pairs for the RSA algorithm.
SignatureVerifier Manages the verification of all signatures.
Validity Describes the validity period of something by defining a start date (valid from) and an end date (valid to).
X509AuthorityKeyIdentifier The Authority Public Key Identifier as specified in RFC 5280 is calcluated the same way as the SubjectKeyIdentifier.
X509BasicConstraints This class implements the BasicConstrains extension for X.509-certificates as specified in RFC 5280.
X509CertificateIssuer This class implements the CertificateIssuer Entry-Extension for X.509-CRLs as specified in RFC 5280.
X509DistinguishedName Objects of this class represent an X509 distinguished name.
X509Extensions Stores X509 extensions as described in RFC 3280.
X509IssuerAlternativeName The IssuerAlternativeName extension represents an alias to distinguished name (DN) of the issuer.
X509IssuingDistributionPoint This class implements the IssuingDistributionPoint extension for X.509-CRLs as specified in RFC 5280.
X509KeyUsage This class implements the KeyUsage extension for X.509-certificates as specified in RFC 5280.
X509SubjectAlternativeName The SubjectAlternativeName extension represents an alias to distinguished name (DN).
X509SubjectKeyIdentifier The subject public key identifier is calculated using a SHA1 hash over the BIT STRING from SubjectPublicKeyInfo as defined in RFC3280.
X509UnknownExtension This extension is instantiated if the type is unknown.
XMLSignature This class stores and creates signatures of XML nodes.
XMLSignatureElement Holds a single -Element which is held in an XMLSignature-object.

Exception Summary