Class InfoserviceEMCAdapter

  extended by infoservice.agreement.multicast.AbstractEMCAdapter
      extended by infoservice.agreement.multicast.InfoserviceEMCAdapter
All Implemented Interfaces:
IInfoServiceAgreementAdapter, IInfoService

public class InfoserviceEMCAdapter
extends AbstractEMCAdapter
implements IInfoServiceAgreementAdapter

LERNGRUPPE An adapter for the infoservice to give them the ability to handle the agreement protocol.

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.Thread m_agreementStarter
          A thread which executes the agreement logic.
private  DynamicCascadeConfigurator m_dynamicMixConfigurator
          A cascade configurator which holds logic for wireing mixes to cascades.
(package private)  java.util.Hashtable m_infoServiceSnapshot
          Holds an freeze the infoservice object which are current existing as long as the agreement runs.
private  MessageHandlerThread m_messageHandler
          A thread which handles messages for performance reasons.
protected  int m_numberOfAllActiveInfoservices
          Holds the number of all infoservices and freeze it as long as the agreement runs.
private  FifoQueue m_queue
          A data stack which implements fifo logic used for holding messages.
(package private)  InfoServiceDBEntry m_self
          The database entry representation for this infoservice.
Fields inherited from class infoservice.agreement.multicast.AbstractEMCAdapter
m_activeAgreementStarted, m_agreementHandler, m_log
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new InfoserviceAgreementAdapter.
Method Summary
protected  void buildCascades(long l)
          Starts the cascade building process.
protected  void evangelizeThisInfoservice()
          Takes care that all infoservices know each other.
(package private)  InfoServiceDBEntry generateInfoServiceSelf()
          Generates an InfoServiceDBEntry for this InfoService
 java.lang.String getIdentifier()
          Returns a unique identifer for this infoservice.
 int getNumberOfAllInfoservices()
          Returns the freezed number of all infoservices which take part on the agreement protocol.
 HttpResponseStructure handleMessage(byte[] a_postData)
          Handles the messages coming in through the /agreement-command.
 void multicastMessage(IAgreementMessage a_message)
          Sends a message to all known infoservices.
protected  void prepareStart()
          Make sure we have "real" information about our neighbours (and they about us) once.
 void sendMessageTo(java.lang.String a_id, IAgreementMessage a_message)
          Sends a message to a specified infoservice.
(package private)  boolean sendToInfoService(InfoServiceDBEntry a_infoservice, IDistributable a_message)
          Encapsulates logic for sending a message to a infoservice.
private  boolean sendToInterface(ListenerInterface a_listener, IDistributable a_message)
          Encapsulates logic for sending a message to a specified listenere interface.
 void startListening()
          Stops the running message handler if necessary and creates a new one.
Methods inherited from class infoservice.agreement.multicast.AbstractEMCAdapter
debug, error, fatal, getLog, handleMessage, info, notifyAgreement, setIAgreementHandler, setLog, startAdapter, startAgreementCommitmentProtocol, startListeningMode, startProtocolByOperator, tryToStartAgreementHour, tryToStartAgreementMinute
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface infoservice.agreement.IInfoServiceAgreementAdapter

Field Detail


private DynamicCascadeConfigurator m_dynamicMixConfigurator
A cascade configurator which holds logic for wireing mixes to cascades. He uses the agreement result, the common random number, to do that.


protected int m_numberOfAllActiveInfoservices
Holds the number of all infoservices and freeze it as long as the agreement runs.


java.util.Hashtable m_infoServiceSnapshot
Holds an freeze the infoservice object which are current existing as long as the agreement runs.


private FifoQueue m_queue
A data stack which implements fifo logic used for holding messages.


InfoServiceDBEntry m_self
The database entry representation for this infoservice.


protected java.lang.Thread m_agreementStarter
A thread which executes the agreement logic.


private MessageHandlerThread m_messageHandler
A thread which handles messages for performance reasons.

Constructor Detail


public InfoserviceEMCAdapter()
Creates a new InfoserviceAgreementAdapter. This adapter is used to connect the real InfoService to the agreement extension.

a_cmds - The connection object to serve network and communication.
Method Detail


InfoServiceDBEntry generateInfoServiceSelf()
Generates an InfoServiceDBEntry for this InfoService

The InfoServiceDBEntry


protected void evangelizeThisInfoservice()
Takes care that all infoservices know each other.


public HttpResponseStructure handleMessage(byte[] a_postData)
Handles the messages coming in through the /agreement-command. The a_postData is parsed to an IAgreementMessage and then put into the message queue. Messages are only accepted if an agreement is currently running or we are in the timeframe to start an new one

Specified by:
handleMessage in interface IInfoServiceAgreementAdapter
a_postData - The post data of the request containing an XML encoded IAgreementMessage
HTTP_RETURN_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR if the message could not be parsed or the time was not right, HTTP_RETURN_OK otherwise


protected void buildCascades(long l)
Starts the cascade building process.

Specified by:
buildCascades in class AbstractEMCAdapter
l - A long value which represents the common random number.


protected void prepareStart()
Make sure we have "real" information about our neighbours (and they about us) once. Might not be needed in real world, but overcomes some problems at concurrent startup of multiple InfoServices (InfoServicePropagandist is too fast then and we don't want to wait 10 minutes)

Specified by:
prepareStart in class AbstractEMCAdapter


public void startListening()
Stops the running message handler if necessary and creates a new one.

Specified by:
startListening in class AbstractEMCAdapter


public int getNumberOfAllInfoservices()
Returns the freezed number of all infoservices which take part on the agreement protocol.

Specified by:
getNumberOfAllInfoservices in interface IInfoService
Specified by:
getNumberOfAllInfoservices in class AbstractEMCAdapter
The number of known InfoServices


public java.lang.String getIdentifier()
Returns a unique identifer for this infoservice.

Specified by:
getIdentifier in interface IInfoService
Specified by:
getIdentifier in class AbstractEMCAdapter
An unique identifier for this IInfoService


public void sendMessageTo(java.lang.String a_id,
                          IAgreementMessage a_message)
Sends a message to a specified infoservice.

Specified by:
sendMessageTo in interface IInfoService
Specified by:
sendMessageTo in class AbstractEMCAdapter
a_id - The id of the receiver.
a_message - The message to send.


public void multicastMessage(IAgreementMessage a_message)
Sends a message to all known infoservices.

Specified by:
multicastMessage in interface IInfoService
Specified by:
multicastMessage in class AbstractEMCAdapter
a_message - The message to send.


boolean sendToInfoService(InfoServiceDBEntry a_infoservice,
                          IDistributable a_message)
Encapsulates logic for sending a message to a infoservice.

a_infoservice - The target infoservice.
postFile -
postData -
Success if true.


private boolean sendToInterface(ListenerInterface a_listener,
                                IDistributable a_message)
Encapsulates logic for sending a message to a specified listenere interface.

a_listener - The network interface.
postFile -
postData -
Success if true.