Package anon.util

Interface Summary
IMiscPasswordReader An object implementing this interface reads passwords from a user interface.
IPasswordReader An object implementing this interface reads passwords for proxy authentication from a user interface.
IResourceInstantiator This interface is only needed in the context of the ResourceLoader.
IXMLEncodable Objects of this type can be transformed into xml.

Class Summary
AbstractMessage This is a generic message implementation.
Base64 Encodes and decodes to and from Base64 notation.
ClassUtil This class performs some basic operations related to Class objects.
ClassUtil.ClassGetter This small inner class is needed to get information about static classes.
ClassUtil.Package Represents a package name.
JobQueue The job queue is meant for threads that are executed very often and do the same things, e.g.
JobQueue.Job A job that may be added to the job queue.
ResourceLoader This class loads resources from the file system.
SocketFactory This is an implementation to make the Socket creation process interruptable which offers also the opportunity to set a timeout for this process.
TimedOutputStream This class implements an OutputStream, where a timeout for the write() and flush () operations can be set.
XMLUtil This class provides an easy interface to XML methods.
ZLibTools This class provides some utility methods for ZLib compression.

Exception Summary
IResourceInstantiator.ResourceInstantiationException An Exception that is thrown by a ResourceInstantiator if too much instantiations have failed.
XMLParseException This exception is thrown if an error occurs while parsing an XML structure.