
Interface Summary
IAccountListener Event listener for one account
IBIConnectionListener Classes that want to listen to events generated by a BIConnection have to implement this interface and register as a IBIConnetionListener at the BIConnection.
IPaymentListener GUI classes can implement this interface and register with the Payment library to be notified about payment specific events

Class Summary
AIControlChannel This control channel is used for communication with the AI (AccountingInstance or Abrechnungsinstanz in German) which lives in the first mix.
BI This class represents a known BI with its unique name and x509 public certificate (verifyer).
Pay This class is the high-level part of the communication with the AI.
PayAccount This class encapsulates one account and all additional data associated to one account.
PayAccountsFile This class encapsulates a collection of accounts.

Exception Summary
PayAccountsFile.AccountAlreadyExisting Thrown if an account with same account number was already existing when trying to add it.