/*! \page pagexmlstructs XML structs This is the index of all XML structs used in the project. \par 1. XML Message send from LastMix to Mix \e n-1 during cascade init \anchor XMLInterMixInitSendFromLast \verbinclude InterMix-LastMix-to-Successor.xml \par 2. Answer send from Mix \e n-1 to Mix \e n during cascade init \anchor XMLInterMixInitAnswer \verbinclude InterMix-KeyExchange-Answer.xml \par 3. Mix-Cascade info (and info about the FirstMix) send from the FirstMix to the InfoService. \anchor XMLFirstMixToInfoService \verbinclude FirstMixToInfoService.xml \par 4. Mix-Cascade status send from the FirstMix to the InfoService. \anchor XMLMixCascadeStatus \verbinclude MixCascadeStatus.xml \par 5. Mix-HELO send from the Middle- or LastMix to the InfoService to announce itself. \anchor XMLMixHELO \verbinclude MixHELO.xml \par 6. Mix-KeyInfo send from the FirstMix to the JAP. \anchor XMLMixKeyInfo \verbinclude FirstMixToJAP.xml \par 7. Signature Element \anchor XMLSignature \verbinclude XMLSignature.xml \par 8. Mix description \anchor XSDMixType \verbinclude MixType.xsd */