############################################################################## # This is the sample JPI configuration file version 0.5 # # 2004-2006 Bastian Voigt, Tobias Bayer # last modification 2006-03-08 # ############################################################################## # Unique ID id=PIJapTeam # Name name=JAP Team PI # InfoServices where to send information about the payment instance infoservices=infoservice.inf.tu-dresden.de:80, # Listener interfaces where JPI listens for JAP connections # host:port(,host2:port2...) japlisteners=anon.inf.tu-dresden.de:2342,, # Listener interface (only one!) where the JPI listens for AI connections # host:port ailistener=anon.inf.tu-dresden.de:4223 # Maximum concurrent connections per interface aiconnections=10 japconnections=25 # To connect to the PostgreSQL server the JPI needs to know # the hostname of the server, the tcp port, the database name, # the username and password. # Note that the JPI supports only TCP connections to the database. # Even if it is running on the same host, UNIX Domain sockets cannot # be used at the moment. # # It is not recommended to store the database password in this file. # Please do this only if you absolutely need to start the JPI without # user interaction. If you do not specify a password here, the JPI # will ask you for the password on startup dbhost=localhost dbport=5432 dbname=BIdb dbusername=bi #dbpassword= # keyfile: name of the PKCS#12 file which contains the JPI private signkey # keyfilepassword: the password for the signkey file. # # The keyfile can be generated using the MixConfig tool # It is not recommended to store the signkey password in this file. # Please do this only if you absolutely need to start the JPI without # user interaction. If you do not specify a password here, the JPI # will ask you for the password on startup. keyfile=BI.pfx #keyfilepassword # Logger configuration # The BI contains an internal Logger which can send log output to stderr and # to a file. The logger supports the LogLevels from 0 to 7(all) # # You can define a threshold, and only messages with a loglevel >= threshold # will be logged. So, the smaller you choose the threshold, the more messages # will be logged. The default is to send all output including debug information # to stderr, and send everything >= LOG_INFO to the logfile. # logfilename=BI.log logfilethreshold=7 logstderrthreshold=0 # Name of the helper class for porcessing credit card payments. # Only the first part of the name is needed here. (DummyCreditCardHelper.class) creditcardhelper=Dummy # Accepted credit cards (comma-seperated) acceptedcards=VISA,MasterCard,AMEX # Price per Megabyte in cents (may be fractional, e.g. 1.5) ratepermb=1 # Accepted currencies currency1=EUR #currency2=USD # Payment options option1name=CreditCard option1type=passive option1heading1=Kreditkarte (Spielgeld) option1headinglang1=de option1heading2=Credit card (Fictional money) option1headinglang2=en option1detailedinfo1=Bitte geben Sie die benötigten Daten ein.
Während der Testphase können Sie
Ihr Konto mit fiktiven Daten aufladen. option1detailedinfolang1=de option1detailedinfo2=Please enter the necessary data.
During test phase you can
charge your account by supplying fictional data. option1detailedinfolang2=en option1input1=Kreditkarte option1inputlang1=de option1inputref1=creditcardtype option1input2=Credit card option1inputlang2=en option1inputref2=creditcardtype option1input3=Nummer option1inputlang3=de option1inputref3=number option1input4=Number option1inputlang4=en option1inputref4=number option1input5=Gültig bis (MM/JJ) option1inputlang5=de option1inputref5=valid option1input6=Valid to (MM/YY) option1inputlang6=en option1inputref6=valid option1input7=Inhaber option1inputlang7=de option1inputref7=owner option1input8=Owner option1inputlang8=en option1inputref8=owner option2name=MoneyTransfer option2type=active option2heading1=Überweisung (Demo, ohne Funktion) option2headinglang1=de option2heading2=Money transfer (Demo, no payment possible) option2headinglang2=en option2detailedinfo1=Diese Daten sind Testdaten.
Bitte verwenden Sie während der Testphase
die Bezahloption Kreditkarte. option2detailedinfolang1=de option2detailedinfo2=This is test data.
Please use the payment option credit card
during the test phase. option2detailedinfolang2=en option2extrainfo1=Inhaber: JAP-Team
Kontonummer: 12345
BLZ: 3456778
Sparkasse Hintamberg

Verwendungszweck: %t
Betrag: %a %c option2extrainfolang1=de option2extrainfotype1=text option2extrainfo2=Holder: JAP-Team
Account: 12345
Bank number: 3456778
Sparkasse Hintamberg

Reference: %t
Amount: %a %c option2extrainfolang2=en option2extrainfotype2=text