# edit this file to reflect system specific paths. Sensible defaults are given if possible # # you may use the $WORKING_DIR variable which refers to this directory #fennec branch to check out (usually FENNEC_XX_RELEASE) FENNEC_BRANCH= #folder with firefox source tree FENNEC_FOLDER= #folder fennec is build in OBJDIR=$FENNEC_FOLDER/objdir-droid #path to java 7 jdk (usually something like /usr/lib/jvm/java-X-jdk/) JAVA7_HOME=/usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-1.7.0 #path to python 2 executable (must be named "python" not "python2") #optional if python 2 is already in the path as "python" (this is the case in some distributions, e.g. debian) PYTHON2= #already in the path #root of Android SDK ANDROID_SDK_ROOT= #version of android platform to use (at time of writing 21) ANDROID_PLATFORM_VERSION= #path to Android NDK r8e ANDROID_NDK= #path to mozilla addon sdk (available at https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Add-ons/SDK) ADDON_SDK=