menu.anonymization = Anonymization = Services menu.connection = Connection menu.accounts = Accounts menu.about = About AnonFox about.title = About about.heading = AnonFox: a modified Firefox with a built-in anonymization mechanism about.gui_version = User interface version: about.rest_version = REST API version: about.license = Licensing about.anonfox_license = This software is provided under the same licence as the unmodified Firefox software. For more details see: about.firefox_license_page = Firefox license page about.icons_license = Parts of the images used in the manual are based on icons from the Oxygen icon set which is relased under the LGPL. about.see_other = See also about.see_firefox = For information about the Firefox see the manufacturer's page: about.see_anon = For information about the anonymization technology see the project website: state.disconnected = disconnected state.connected = connected state.connecting = connecting accounts.title = Accounts accounts.accounts = Accounts: accounts.coupon_code = Coupon Code: accounts.file = File: accounts.valid_to = Valid To: accounts.current_volume = Current Volume: accounts.monthly_volume = Monthly Volume: = Active: accounts.blocked = Blocked: accounts.delete_account = Delete Account accounts.reddem_coupon = Redeem Coupon Code accounts.activate_coupon = Activate Coupon accounts.export_account = Export Accounts accounts.password = Password: accounts.confirm_password = Confirm Password: accounts.export = Export accounts.account_import = Account Import accounts.import = Import Accounts accounts.no_accounts = No Accounts available accounts.password_mismatch = Passwords do not match accounts.coupons_states = Coupon Redemption States accounts.coupon_status = Status accounts.charge.failure = Failed accounts.charge.success = Done accounts.charge.inProgress = In progress.. connInfo.title = Connection Information connInfo.currentService = Current Service: connInfo.traffic = Traffic: connInfo.dataLeft = Data Volume Left: srvInfo.title = Service Details srvInfo.blacklisted = Blacklisted: srvInfo.type = Type: srvInfo.users = No. of users: srvInfo.operators = Operators: srvInfo.speed = Speed: srvInfo.responseTime = Response time: srvInfo.exitIp = Exit IP address: srvInfo.opDetails = Service details srvInfo.mixNum = Mix _ of _: srvInfo.mixName = Name: srvInfo.operator = Operator: = Website: = E-Mail: srvInfo.location = Location: srvInfo.connect = Connect srvInfo.connecting = Connecting srvInfo.disconnect = Disconnect srvInfo.noAccount = This is a premium service. You have no account. welcome.hanger.message = Would you like to read the manual? (recommended) welcome.hanger.yes = Of course! = No, thanks manual.url = file:///data/data/de.tu_dresden.inf.anonFox/distribution/manual/man_en.html homePanel.users = Users: homePanel.viewName = Services homePanel.listEmpty = Services are being loaded. This may take up to a few minutes. Please wait.