Package infoservice.mailsystem.central

Class Summary
AbstractMailSystemCommand This interface specifies the methods any JAP mailsystem command has to implement.
BannedMailAddressDBEntry This class is the implementation of an entry in the list of banned mailaddresses.
CommandFactory This class finds the correct implementation of the reply-generating class depending on the subject of the received mail.
MailAddressDBEntry This class is the implementation of an entry in the list of the latest mailaddresses.
MailContext This class stores the configuration for the JAP mailsystem (Singleton).
MailHandler This class handles the received mails.
MailMessages This class is the implementation of the mail message localizations.
MailSystem This class is the main class for the JAP mail system.
MailSystemLog This class is used for logging messages of the mailsystem via Log4J.
MailSystemServerImplementation This class is the server implementation for receiving mails from the MailForwarder.
MailSystemServerImplementationFactory This class creates MailSystemServerImplementation instances everytime the GenericServer accepts a new connection and the ConnectionHandler uses this factory.